Sunday, March 4, 2007

PMS an Extreme PMS

PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome afflict millions of women as young as 18 and may kast through the reproductive years. That may explain why many women jump at the chance to have a hystorectomy. They are just tired of it all.

The medical establishment has proven they can't be trusted because they have foisted dangerous drugs on unsuspecting, trusting women suffering fr othe symptoms.

That trust has been broken and will take a generation of proven help before drug companies will be taken seriously again. In the mean time, there are proven herbal and natural hormone replacement technologies with decades of use to help relieve the trauma that has become known as PMS.

PMS Starts

Some women have PMS from the time they begin having menstrual cycles but for most, PMS begins in the premenopausal years, around the mid-thirties, and becomes increasingly severe as the years go on. Although it's possible to create a list of dozens and dozens of PMS symptoms, the most common are:
  • bloating/water retention
  • weight gain
  • breast tenderness
  • fibrocysts,
  • headaches,
  • cramps,
  • fatigue,
  • irritability,
  • mood swings, and more.

Extreme PMS Syndrome

Many women are now diagnosed with PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) . Seventy five percent of women live through PMS each month, but some of them live through something even worse!

Women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder feel fine until they ovulate and then the symptoms strike. Finally doctors are acknowledging and working with women who suffer from PMDD. She wants them to know that it's a real disorder, and it's not all in their head.

Other signs of PMDD include weepiness, anxiety, tension, night sweats, muscle aches and pains, severe bloating, breast tenderness, headaches and overeating. Many of these symptoms parallel those of PMS but differ in terms of severity.

PMDD Treated Best by Alternative Therapy

Conventional medicine's treatment for PMDD includes low doses of Prozac when ovulation starts. Higher doses of calcium, folate, magnesium, primrose oil, and mega-fatty acids have also been shown to work wonders for women suffering from PMDD.

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